Acupuncture and herbal medicine can support a happier, healthier pregnancy and smoother postpartum for both you and your baby. Receiving regular acupuncture during your child birthing year is one of the best self-care practices you can adopt for yourself and your baby—treatments support an enjoyable pregnancy, more efficient labor, less medical intervention, and nurturing postpartum.

Benefits of Pregnancy Acupuncture

  • Alleviates morning sickness

  • Supports energy and circulation

  • Reduces low back pain and sciatica

  • Encourages proper baby positioning

  • Ripens the cervix and stimulate contractions

  • Reduces medical intervention during labor

  • Supports lactation and adequate milk supply

  • Boosts recovery post childbirth

  • Strengthens pelvic floor

  • Decreases postpartum depression and anxiety

Our Pregnancy & Postpartum Services


Prenatal Wellness

Acupuncture is a safe, gentle and effective modality to support a healthy pregnancy, reduce miscarriage risk, alleviate common symptoms of morning sickness, fatigue, swelling, sciatica and low back pain, relax the mind and body, balance emotions and address conditions such as hyperemesis, preeclampsia and gestational diabetes.

Breech Babies

Moxibustion is commonly used in cases of breech and posterior presentations to encourage baby to move into a more favorable position. Moxa is a non-invasive, relaxing modality of East Asian Medicine that uses the herb artemisia vulgaris to produce warmth topically to stimulate specific acupuncture points which aid the baby in turning.

Birth Preparation

Birth Preparation Acupuncture is commonly recommended by OBGYNs beginning at 34-36 weeks to support a more timely and efficient labor. Weekly pre-birth acupuncture has been shown to decrease medical intervention by as much as 35% and often eliminates the need for acupuncture induction.

Acupuncture Induction

Once past-term or in the event membranes rupture without labor progressing, acupuncture induction can be used to stimulate uterine contractions, release tensions in the body, and calm anxieties around childbirth. Birth partners are encouraged to attend to deepen connection, bonding and oxytocin release.

Lactation Support

Acupuncture, diet, nutrition and herbal medicine can be safely used to support healthy lactation and a smoother breastfeeding experience. This enhances the quality and production of breast milk, stimulating the ‘let-down reflex,’ alleviating mastitis and clogged milk ducts and reduces discomfort during weaning.

Cesarean Recovery

Moxibustion and surgical scar reduction treatments are used to optimize recovery post-cesarean. Moxibustion can be done within the first two weeks postpartum, with scar needling beginning 4-6 weeks later, to promote faster healing, reduce scarring, adhesions and infections, promote future fertility and increase future VBAC success.  

Postnatal Wellness

Acupuncture is a wonderful way to support a woman’s transition into motherhood. Whether it’s your first child or fifth, acupuncture can help reduce the risk of postpartum depression, replenish vital energy after childbirth, promote healthy lactation and balance the many joys and challenges during this time.

Mother Warming

Traditionally known as ‘Mother Roasting,’ this modality is commonly used during the first few weeks of postpartum and involves the application of moxibustion to the abdomen and sacrum to aid in childbirth recovery, warm the uterus and reduce after-pains, raise the pelvic floor and promote deeply restorative relaxation.


Our pregnancy services include:

  • Review of obstetric history

  • TCM evaluation, diagnosis and assessment

  • Acupuncture and meridian therapy

  • Pregnancy specific dietary and lifestyle recommendations

  • Customized herbal or supplement recommendations

  • Individualized prenatal yoga postures

  • Mindfulness and breathing techniques

  • Maternity acupressure coaching

Specific services and modalities vary by patient, condition, and treatment.


Timing of Pregnancy Acupuncture

Pregnancy Acupuncture is safe, gentle, and effective during each trimester and can be started at any time.

First Trimester

During the first trimester weekly treatments are recommended to support early pregnancy and alleviate common symptoms such as morning sickness and fatigue.

Second & Third Trimesters

Treatments are recommended as needed during the second and third trimesters. Beginning at 36 weeks, Birth Preparation Acupuncture is recommended weekly.


After childbirth we recommend at least one mother warming session and acupuncture treatment within the first three weeks of having your baby.


Commonly Treated Obstetric Conditions

  • Morning Sickness

  • Fatigue & Exhaustion

  • Swelling & Edema

  • Spotting, Bleeding & Uterine Cramping

  • Threatened Miscarriage

  • Sciatica & Low Back Pain

  • Pelvic Pain

  • Pubic Symphysis Pain

  • Muscle Aching & Cramping

  • Low Iron & Anemia

  • Breech & Posterior Positions

  • Hemorrhoids

  • Vulval Varicosities

  • Urinary Tract Infections

  • Difficult & Prolonged Labor

  • VBAC Support

  • Cesarean Birth Recovery

  • Insufficient Lactation

  • Clogged Milk Ducts & Mastitis

  • Postpartum Depression

  • Urinary Incontinence

  • Weakened Pelvic Floor

  • Anxiety & Depression

  • Hyperemesis

  • Gestational Diabetes

  • Preeclampsia

Importance of Western Prenatal Care

While acupuncture offers many benefits during pregnancy and can reduce the need for Western medications and interventions, it is important to remember that acupuncture is complementary care and is not intended to take the place of Western prenatal medical care. OBGYNs, Midwives and PCPs recognize the safety and efficacy of acupuncture for maintaining a successful pregnancy and preparing for childbirth and often refer patients for complementary care with acupuncture. If your OBGYN, Midwife, or PCP has any concerns about your condition and the benefits of acupuncture, we are always glad to coordinate care and communicate directly with your primary prenatal care provider to ensure the best possible care for you and your baby.